What if you had a rash?
An ugly, itchy, angry-looking rash?
If you went to the doctor, you would likely get a topical treatment to calm the symptoms.
But what caused the rash?
That topical treatment may address the symptoms, but what about the Root Cause?
Your body may heal itself of the cause of the rash.
Or it may come back because the Root Cause was not addressed.
Often the swelling, heat, bumps, or itch of a rash are all part of how the body ‘heals’.
… by sending more blood to provide more nutrients
… or activating the lymph to remove what should not be there
… or pushing toxic materials and dead cells out of the body
We’re getting closer to what caused the rash….
Any irregularity in the body can disrupt the pH – the acid / alkaline balance.
These disruptions have a magnetic charge. either positive or negative.
The magnets draw these together and they become neutral –
which is what the body wants.
Then it is able to heal itself.